TrueFiling Release Notes
TrueFiling Release 3.1.116 - 27/Mar/25
Upgraded HTTP Strict Transport Security Policy
The HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) policy has been updated to improve security.
Upgraded Security Around Login and Password Recovery
Implemented measures to mitigate the client-side template injection vulnerability.
Fixed issue with displaying Login message
The issue regarding the display of the login message each time a user logs in has been resolved.
TrueFiling Release 3.1.115 - 24/Feb/25
Fixed issue with Date Range on the Download Documents Tab
Fixed the issue where the date range filter was not returning results for a single day.
Fixed Download All Functionality on Download Documents Tab
Fixed an issue where the "Download All" button on the Download Documents tab created a blank zip file. Resolved the spinner issue that occurred when no search results were returned.
Updates to Help Documentation Link
TrueFiling now automatically loads the appropriate User Help file based on the version number, streamlining the update process. This enhancement eliminates the need for manual monitoring of releases to update the TrueFilingHelp documentation.
Filing Name Validations on Bundle Assembly Page
Courts can not configure character restrictions for filing names when submitting documents to the courts. For example, a court can be configured to allow only alphanumeric characters, '.', and '_' in filing names, with a configurable error message displayed for invalid entries. The user will be warned by highlighting the filing name field in red when invalid characters are detected, preventing progression until corrections are made.
Enhanced Bar Number Validation
The Registration and Settings page now supports state-specific bar number validation rules. For example, State A attorneys must enter a 6-digit bar number, while State B attorneys require a 5-digit number. Custom error messages will guide users based on their state's criteria.
Release Notes Links
The links to the Release Notes have been updated to point to the most recent release notes.
Non-Public Case Types
Courts now have the capability to designate certain case types as non-public. All cases falling under these designated case types will be treated as non-public cases.
TrueFiling Release 3.1.114 - 17/Jan/25

Resolved Intermittent Help Text Display Issue
Fixed the issue with the help text not showing intermittently in User Settings for the consolidated e-mail notifications.
Fixed Register of Actions access on a case
Fixed a bug to ensure the Register of Actions section is populated only when the current user is a contact on the case.
Emergency Status for Bundle Submissions
Courts can now configure TrueFiling to allow filers to flag bundle submissions with an emergency status. If this feature is configured for the court, filers can select the Emergency checkbox on the Bundle Details Page if their submissions meet the court's emergency filing criteria. This enhancement helps courts prioritize and promptly process emergency filings, while submissions that do not qualify will be handled as standard bundles. image-20250108-205708.png
Updates to Verified Case Contacts
For courts using Verified Case Contacts, moving forward, once the court verifies a Case Contact for an email domain, all future contacts added to the case for that email domain will automatically get the Verified status.
Bulk Downloads Available on the Download Documents Tab of the History Page
Users can now download multiple filed or rejected stamped copies simultaneously from the Download Documents tab on the History page. The system supports bulk downloads of up to 100 files at a time. Selecting the "Download All" button generates a ZIP file containing the selected documents. image-20250108-234558.png
TrueFiling Release 3.1.113 - 1/Nov/24
Updated Email Bounce Notification with Support Details

The yellow popup message that appears when a filer’s email bounces has been updated to include contact information for TrueFiling support to help users resolve email issues.


Enhanced Download Documents Functionality by Case Number or Date Range

The Download Documents tab now allows filers to search for their documents using a Case Number or a Date Range. When searching by Case Number, filers must enter the exact Case Number, allowing users to download all documents that they have submitted for a given case. The date range criteria is not applicable when searching by Case Number.


Fixed Issue with Amount Search on View Payment Information Page

Resolved an issue in the View Payment Information screen that now successfully searches by amount with trailing zeros such as $10.30.

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